There a wide range of things you can show and talk about in your business newsletter content but there are also some add on bits of newsletter content for your business newsletter that will keep your newsletter exciting, interesting and informative – therefore keeping the subscribers to your newsletter engaged. 

We have listed some of these newsletter content ideas, which you can add on to your business newsletter below – this list is by no means inclusive of all ideas;

  • Put in some case studies from your existing clients, this is your chance to highlight your products and services, how they can work and also how happy they have made your existing clients.
  • You could also include testimonials from existing happy clients as this will help you to build credibility with your business newsletter subscribers. You don’t want to list hundreds of testimonials, but instead use a few different ones in each newsletter, especially if they are local or well known businesses.
  • Another good way of showing off your services and the types of businesses you work with is to do a ‘Client Spotlight Feature’. This will highlight your customers and their businesses (which will be of benefit to them as free advertising and brand awareness), but it will also explain why they use your service and how it has benefited them.
  • Include a section where you round up the blog posts you have created that month, this could be links to all the blog posts you have created that month, or instead the blog posts most suitable / relevant to your newsletter topic.
  • If there are current trends of need-to-know news in your industry pop this in your newsletter too, with links to articles that go into the matter in more detail. This will help your clients understand what is going on and if this will affect them.

Do you create monthly newsletters for your business? Did you know we have content writers that can do the content for your newsletter? Call us if you would like to know more.